Dungeons & Date Night

Dungeons and Date Night was started in the Summer of 2016 as a ploy for one husband to get his wife to become interested in DnD. It all started when she asked the fateful question, 

"What do you want for your birthday?"


How to guide

Your partner needs some help being convinced to play DnD?


Start with a Life Event
They’re going to give you a present, now's your chance to ask for DnDn

Other Couples
Half of the other couples have to be their friends.

If you have kids, you have to have a steady sitter available. Preferably a grandparent.

Safe House
They’re not going to play at a game store. Find a safe house for the first night, at least.

Drinks. All the Drinks.
I said "all the drinks". But, obviously, bring their favorites. #allthedrinks

Junk Food
Tonight, diets don't exist. Be an advocate for this.

Make them an awesome character.
For instance: She is a strong, independent woman and she needs kick-ass weapons. Don’t assume otherwise.

Borrow a friend's for the first game, trust us, they’re going to want to pick out their own later.

You can not be their DM. They’re doing this to play WITH you. Make your friend be the DM and hope their partner is cool.

Build the night around starting with dinner together, they’re really here to hang out with their friends, so make sure that happens, FIRST. And not like, for 10 minutes. Schedule a good 30-45 minutes for friend hangout time.

Yes, it's important that you think of this twice. 

Peripheral things
Make sure they has a sharp pencil (or our favorite a mechanical pencil), full eraser, a notebook for notes - they’re going to take notes - air conditioning if it's summer or a blanket if it's spring, fall or winter cause they’re probably going to be cold and that is annoying and ruins an experience, and either a player's handbook or a cheat sheet close by at all times.


Dungeons & Date Night is a Registered Trademark of a badass group of three couples living in the PNW.